zebra fish

[ˈzi:brə fiʃ]
  • 释义
  • 斑马鱼;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    In this experiment, zebra fish are exposed to a dye that highlights living hair cells.

    在他们的实验中, 斑马鱼身上活的毛细胞被染色.

  • 2、

    But unlike humans, zebra fish are able to regenerate their damaged hair cells.

    但是,与人类不同的是, 斑马鱼的毛细胞在受损后还可以再生.

  • 3、

    As with humans, zebra fish skin colour is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanosomes.

    人类认为, 斑马鱼皮肤的颜色是黑色色素细胞决定的.
